Call for Papers
Important Dates
Paper submission Deadline
12th May 2025, 23:59 (GMT)
Notification of acceptance
07th July 2025
Camera Ready paper Deadline
04th Aug 2025
Author Registration Deadline
15th Sep 2025
In response to emerging research diversity, ICCE 2025 will be a meta-conference, comprising of seven interrelated theme-based conferences. ICCE 2025 will be a conference for researchers in the Asia-Pacific region to connect with international research communities for the worldwide dissemination and sharing of ideas for research in the field of Computers in Education. Seven interrelated sub-conferences on specialized themes, each of which is organized by a program committee appointed by the respective Special Interest Group (SIG), will be part of the five-day conference schedule.
In addition, the conference will include keynote speakers, theme-based invited speakers, expert panels on topics of current interest, and pre-conference tutorials, workshops, Doctoral Student Consortia (DSC), Early Career Workshop (ECW). Researchers, graduate or undergraduate students, policymakers and educators are invited to participate in all aspects of the conference.
Accepted papers in the main conference, Workshops, Work-in-Progress Posters (WIPP), Doctoral Student Consortia (DSC), Early Career Workshop (ECW), Extended Summaries (ES), and Showcase of Advancements in Technology-Enhanced Learning in Underrepresented Countries (SATELUC) will be published in proceedings, which will be submitted to Elsevier for inclusion in Scopus. Proceedings of the main conference (excluding
posters) will also be submitted to Thomson Reuters for inclusion in the Conference Proceedings Citation Index. Authors of accepted distinguished full papers will be invited to submit extended versions of the papers for consideration of publication in Research and Practice in Technology Enhanced Learning (RPTEL), the official academic journal of the Asia Pacific Society for Computers in Education.
Paper Categories
Separate calls for papers are available for each sub-conference under the following categories:
Full paper (8-10 pages)
Short paper (5-6 pages)
Poster paper (2-3 pages)
Please refer to the submission guidelines before submitting your papers and download the latest version of the Paper Template file (Word version) in preparing your manuscript.
We strongly suggest that you use the paper template and do the change directly on it by typing and copying/pasting pure text in it. In such case, your paper's format can be like the sample paper.
The conference practices a single-blind review process, i.e., the authors of the submitting papers will not know who their referees are, while the referees will be aware of the authors of the papers that they are reviewing. Anonymization is no longer required in the submitted manuscripts.
The seven theme-based sub-conferences will foster the building of strong research communities within the broader field of Computers in Education and Educational Technology. The meta-conference umbrella will play not only the dual role of allowing researchers to enhance their identity in their thematic research communities, but also allowing cross-disciplinary interactions to help broaden the scope of and inspire future innovative research.
C1: ICCE Sub-Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Education/Intelligent Tutoring System (AIED/ITS) and Adaptive Learning
C2: ICCE Sub-Conference on Computer-supported Collaborative Learning (CSCL) and Learning Sciences
C3: ICCE Sub-Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies (ALT), Learning Analytics and Digital Infrastructure
C4: ICCE Sub-Conference on Technology Enhanced Learning for Mobility of Learners and Learning Experiences (TEML), formerly known as Classroom, Ubiquitous and Mobile Technology-Enhanced Learning (CUMTEL)
C5: ICCE Sub-Conference on Educational Gamification and Game-based Learning (EGG)
C6: ICCE Sub-Conference on Technology Enhanced Language Learning (TELL)
C7: ICCE Sub-Conference on Practice-driven Research, Teacher Professional Development and Policy of ICT in Education (PTP)
We welcome contributions that report accomplished research as well as work in progress. Papers that describe innovative architectures and models (e.g. Deep-Learning-Based Models), discuss results from AIED/ITS systems in use, and present evaluations of AIED/ITS systems are strongly encouraged. The conference also welcomes research works dealing with innovative ideas (theoretical or conceptual) that have the potential for significant impact on future research in AIED/ITS field.
All the accepted full papers are eligible for the competitions of:
Best Overall Paper Award
Best Student Paper Award (restricted to papers whose first author is a graduate or undergraduate student)
Best Technical Design Paper Award
In addition, all the accepted poster papers are eligible for the competition of Best Poster Design Award(s). Please visit the award rules and criteria.